


Special Guest Speaker from the Embassy of the Republic of Zambia in Japan
On Friday, July 12, after the days’ lessons concluded, the First Secretary of Tourism to Zambia and an interpreter from the Embassy of the Republic of Zambia visited our school to enlighten the students and better familiarize them with the African country of Zambia. The entire student body was invited to attend voluntarily, with a particular focus on those interested in other countries or Africa. All students who participated, from junior to senior high school, were attentive and listened to the lecture in its entirety.
The event was held in English, but the interpreter provided explanations in Japanese as well so the students could have a deeper understanding of the content. The presentation was delightful! The speaker was very informative, and his pictures helped captivate the attention of the students. After he quizzed us on the beautiful destinations of Zambia, the students were able to try on some traditional outfits that the Zambian people wear. At this time all the students enjoyed posing for many pictures in this special attire. This also allowed the students to approach the First Secretary and chat in English about soccer, his family, and many other things.
Being interested in a topic and trying to learn in a fun way is truly a "学び続けるLearner" way of learning. It was a very fulfilling time for students to be able to communicate in English, learn about a new culture, and receive souvenirs from Zambia.
This opportunity was made possible with the cooperation of the Shinagawa Ward Office. Due to the students' positive response to the event, they later told us they would like to have opportunities to exchange with other embassies in the future.
We would like to continue to provide further learning opportunities of this variety in the future.
